Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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Naître et grandir

Naître et grandir, a project of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation, is both a magazine and a website, created to provide parents with support in bringing up their children from conception until the age of 8. Topics covered include development, play, education, health, nutrition and psychology. Short, practical articles checked for scientific accuracy are written in easy-to-read, accessible language. Naître et grandir contains no advertising and is committed to complete independence over content decisions.

A magazine and a website

The Naître et grandir magazine is distributed free of charge (eight issues a year) in over 4,700 locations throughout Quebec: CPEs (publicly funded daycare centres), health and social service organizations (CLSCs, family medicine groups, hospitals, youth centres), kindergartens, libraries and several community organizations. Use the service locator to find the magazine drop-off point closest to you.   

The website contains a wealth of information presented in the form of a timeline that allows parents to track their children’s affective, motor, intellectual and social development during pregnancy and after their child is born: at 0-12 months, 1-3 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years.

Parents can also subscribe to a free weekly newsletter personalized based on the age of their child, allowing them to follow their child’s development every step of the way. The newsletter (currently available only in French) covers all periods of child development from conception to 8 years of age and even provides tips for parents’ health and well-being.

Naître et grandir stays in touch with parents through content published on its social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube.

Several social campaigns

Every fall between 2009 and 2017, Naître et grandir launched a major social campaign aimed at making parents and Quebec society as a whole aware of the importance of focusing on childhood development starting from the earliest possible age in order to create conditions and environments conducive to educational success. These campaigns were primarily in the form of advertising and participation in events throughout Quebec.

Campaign themes have been very varied over the years:

  • 2009: You’re a star in the eyes of your child!
  • 2010: The importance of starting early
  • 2011: You are the expert on your child
  • 2012: Books are the best toys for toddlers
  • 2013: Looking at a book for 5 minutes a day with your toddler
  • 2014: Teaching social skills to toddlers
  • 2015: Managing emotions is something children have to learn
  • 2016-17: The importance of a child's entourage

Interested in finding out more about Naître et grandirContact their team!

A few key facts

  • Annual number of website visits 62 million
  • Magazine circulation 270,000
  • Newsletter subscriptions 196,000
  • Facebook likes 291,000
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