Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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Supported initiatives

Communities - Completed initiatives

Communities - Completed initiatives

Avenir d'enfants

Avenir d'enfants supports communities that are mobilizing to make sure every child starts school with the tools they need to embark on a successful academic path.

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Communities - Completed initiatives

La Table territoriale de développement de la MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges

La Table territoriale de développement a été mandatée par le conseil de la MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges pour réaliser une mise à jour de la politique en développement social durable.

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Communities - Completed initiatives

Québec en Forme

Québec en Forme helps create social drivers to encourage young Quebecers to adopt healthy living habits.

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Communities - Completed initiatives

Réunir Réussir (R2) pour la persévérance scolaire

Réunir Réussir (R2) focuses on mobilizing the Quebec network of joint action forums on student retention (Instances régionales de concertation [IRC] en persévérance scolaire) and local communities.

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Current initiatives

In disadvantaged communities or communities that include a large number of disadvantaged families, we support partnership coalitions that are mobilizing for change.

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