Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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The Table de concertation Duberger-Les Saules: a neighbourhood round table in Quebec City

Since 1998, the mission of the Table de concertation Duberger-Les Saules has been to improve the quality of life of its residents by creating a feeling of belonging and making a concerted effort to fight poverty and social exclusion.

The round table works with over 30 collaborators from various sectors, including municipal, community, and early childhood. There are also close to 70 citizens involved in the seven different committees that the Table has created to achieve its goals:

  • Education and literacy: Improving citizens’ ability to read, understand and share information and encouraging organizations to use simple language in their communications.
  • Jobs: Improving the living conditions of people who are looking for work or trying to improve their current job situation.
  • Community spaces: Creating dynamic intergenerational living spaces that are open to everyone.
  • Citizen involvement: Promoting, increasing and recognizing the importance of citizen involvement and welcoming new residents.
  • Young children and their parents – Pour l’enfance, j’y vais, j’avance: Ensuring that children have the skills they need for a good start in school.
  • Referrals and support for resources: Making sure that citizens know what resources are available to help them.
  • Food security: Improving food accessibility and creating an environment that promotes healthy food choices and availability.

The Table recently adopted an integrated community development plan to concentrate on developing two inclusive, intergenerational living spaces in neighbourhood areas that have been particularly affected by social and material deprivation. Partners hope this initiative will correspond to the needs and interests of residents by encouraging citizen participation at all levels.

The initiative will include:

  • Creation of two community spaces (Espace Jean-Baptiste Duberger and Espace Du Buisson)
  • Offering activities and services at both sites
  • Improving the accessibility of resources and services, and ensuring citizens are aware of them
  • Building even stronger citizen involvement.

Creating an environment that is conducive to fighting poverty and contributing to the educational success of children in the neighbourhood

July 1, 2018 marked the beginning of a three-year partnership (an initial step) between the Table de concertation Duberger-Les Saules and the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation. The Foundation’s support is aimed at improving living conditions in the neighbourhood—an important step in creating an environment conducive to fighting poverty and contributing to educational success in local schools. Our support will also further the development of the two planned inclusive, intergenerational living spaces.

The Foundation’s contribution: $795,000 over 3 years (2018-2020)

What the media are saying

800 000$ de la Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon, in Quebec City weekly L’actuel

A few key facts

  • The Table de concertation Duberger-Les Saules (neighbourhood round table): 30 partners, 7 committees
  • Proportion of single-parent families in the neighbourhood (in 2014) 17.2%
  • Average income (in 2014) $23,986
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