La Constellation du Granit | La Voixe des concertations
Year founded:
- La Constellation du Granit: 1994
- La voixe des concertations: 2018
The mission of La Constellation du Granit is to apply a global systemic approach that takes all ages in the life cycle into account to foster the development of a vision and actions focused on consolidating, improving and creating optimal living conditions for the entire population of the MRC (regional county municipality) du Granit.
Challenges and projects
- Working with age groups from 0-100
- Pooling of three collaborative initiatives
3 cross-sector projects:
- Food
- Housing
- Continuum
Principale achievement
Mobilisation: rallying business representatives and community actors around a common project
MRC du Granit: 20 municipalities, small cities and rural communities
Fact sheet prepared by Communagir in cooperation with La Constellation du Granit (May 2019)