Projet car (collaborer, apprendre, réussir)
The “CAR: collaborer, apprendre, réussir” project—collaborating, learning and succeeding—is aimed at strengthening the professional skills of administrative and teaching personnel and creating collaborative cultures within school teams. The primary objective of this pedagogical leadership development program is to improve students’ academic success and increase the graduation rate in Quebec.
Generating expertise in schools through the development of collaborative practices
Projet CAR’s main axis is centred on five measures:
- Setting up communities of practice among administrators in participating school boards to focus on improved learning and academic success for all students
- Setting up communities of practice for administrators (schools principals and assistant principals) in participating school boards to improve their educational leadership
- Setting up collaborative cultures and practices—professional learning communities, for example—that bring together school principals and interested teachers
- Creating a network of “model” schools
- Encouraging professional learning communities or professional development groups to participate in conferences and recognizing the pedagogical achievements of certain schools.
(in French)
Projet CAR is an initiative of the Association des directions générales des commissions scolaires (ADIGECS) and the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation. The CTREQ is responsible for developing and coordinating the support aspect of the project.
To learn more about the initiative
A few key facts
- School boards involved in the project 60
- Education administrators (school principals and assistant principals) engaged in the project 125
- School teams that have committed to the project on a voluntary basis 575