Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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Early Child Development Funders Working Group

The Foundation is a member of the Early Child Development Funders Working Group (ECD-FWG).  The ECD-FWG is many things: a cross-Canada learning network; a deeply shared commitment to children; a link among eight very diverse foundations.  Its goal is simple - the availability of quality, publicly-funded, early childhood education for every child from the age of two.

The ECD-FWG does not solicit or accept applications for funding.  Rather, it is a resource to its membership, supporting collaboration and knowledge sharing that improves the effectiveness of our philanthropy relating to young children. The ECD-FWG's major project to date has been a shared investment in the creation and promotion of Early Years Study 3, the Early Childhood Education Report 2017 and the consensus letter Early Childhood in Canada.

In June 2015, in an open letter sent to several media across Canada, the Group has urged politicians to look at early childhood education in a new light - as a must-have element to build a more prosperous Canada for all.

To learn more about the initiative

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