Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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The Caisse d'économie solidaire Desjardins' Garantie solidaire

The Caisse d'économie solidaire Desjardins' Garantie solidaire (loan guarantee fund) is a loan guarantee program whose goal is to contribute to:

  • the growth of enterprises, organizations and cooperatives in Quebec’s social economy and community action sector
  • the development of a social finance movement

Our mission-based investment

A loan guarantee fund is a financial tool that enables partner foundations to guarantee loans through the Caisse d’économie solidaire to non-profits in the community or social economy sector and cooperatives—loans to which they would not normally have access.


  • Facilitate access to credit
  • Offer the possibility of creating multi-party financing packages with financing partners in the social economy sector by injecting additional credit.

Initiating organization

  • McConnell Foundation

Financial partners

  • Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins
  • Mirella and Lino Saputo Foundation
  • Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation

How the
program works

It is not necessary for all of the partner foundations to be involved in every project. In order to receive support through the program, projects must be consistent with their own mission. A project may therefore receive the support of one or more individual foundations.

The additional financing to which the funded organizations have access may be used for :

  • A down payment
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Working capital

Learn more (in French only)

Lessons we have learned

Efforts are required to effectively communicate and distribute the program in order to reach organizations that are less familiar with the financing opportunities offered by the social finance movement.

Video (in French only)

La « Garantie Solidaire » : un nouvel outil pour les entreprises. Entrevue de Radio-Canada avec Luc Rabouin de la Caisse d’économie solidaire.

October 11, 2018

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