Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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PhiLab, Réseau de recherche partenarial sur la philanthropie canadienne

Historic trajectory of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation

Under the direction of Jean-Marc Fontan, researchers at the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab) have completed a study on the historic trajectory of the Chagnon Foundation, starting from its creation right up until the adoption of its new orientations in 2017 based on lessons learned during its initial years of activity.

PhiLab and the Chagnon Foundation have agreed to make this document public. This is not a case of the Foundation looking in the mirror, but a substantial, in-depth study presenting the comparative views and critical analysis of a team of independent researchers from several universities.

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Read the study

In French only:

Annexe IA: Bilan 2000 à 2010 des activités de la Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon
Annexe IB: Écosystème de la Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon
Annexe IC: Analyse – Constats – Pistes
Annexe IIA: Phase historique 2009 à 2018 de la Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon
Annexe IIB: Éléments synthèse de l’analyse de la conjoncture sociétale 2018
Annexe IIC : Analyse détaillée de la conjoncture sociétale 2018

Published in October 2018

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