Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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29 March 2019

André Chagnon announces his decision to step down from his position as Chairman of the Board of Directors

I wish to announce my decision to step down from my position as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation. Wednesday, March 27, 2019 marked the last time that I will preside over a meeting of the Board. The members of the Board have accepted the appointment of my son, Claude Chagnon, currently Vice-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, as the new Chairman of the Board.

I have served the Foundation in the capacity of Chairman of the Board since we launched our activities in 2000. The past 19 years, during which the Foundation has worked hard to find its place in Quebec society and define a specific role for itself, have been very full: very exciting years marked by innovation and many lessons learned.

I am extremely proud of how far we have come and how much we have accomplished. I say "we" because my family and I could have never achieved what we have on our own. I am also very confident in the future. With the support of the members of the Board and the Executive Committee, Jean-Marc Chouinard, President of the Foundation, has defined new orientations and given a new impetus to the Foundation.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my most heartfelt thanks to all those-near and far-who contribute to the accomplishment of our mission. Whether you are an employee, member of the Board or one of the various committees that assure our sound governance, close collaborator or interlocutor for the Foundation, I thank you sincerely for your commitment to the well-being of children and their families and for your contribution to making Quebec a more supportive, equitable and inclusive society.

Although I am very comfortable with my decision to relinquish my official duties and look forward to enjoying the coming years, I am not definitively turning the page. You may be sure that I will continue to closely follow the evolution of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation, whose mission and activities will always be close to my heart.

André Chagnon

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