Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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6 September 2017

November 19-25, 2017 will mark the second edition of Early Childhood Week

Making early childhood issues a priority for Quebec society
The theme: Hand in hand for the little ones. 

This annual week will provide an opportunity to:

  • Communicate and encourage discussion on the status of the welfare and development of very young children in Quebec
  • Focus on actors and actions that have the potential to promote their development
  • Raise public awareness and mobilize society to take action, including in municipal, economic and political spheres

Put Early Childhood Week in your calendar right away-you won't want to miss it!

Many activities have been planned across the province, so stay tuned for more details in September.

Early Childhood Week is a joint initiative of the following organizations:

  • Association des haltes-garderies communautaires du Québec
  • Association québécoise des centres de la petite enfance
  • Avenir d'enfants
  • Carrefour action municipale et famille
  • Community Health and Social Services Network/Réseau communautaire de santé et de services sociaux
  • First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission
  • Conseil québécois des services de garde éducatifs à l'enfance
  • Fédération québécoise des organismes communautaires Famille
  • Hooked on school days
  • Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation (Observatoire des tout-petits, Naître et grandir/Help them grow)
  • Regroupement des centres d'amitié autochtones du Québec
  • Réseau des centres de ressources périnatales du Québec
  • Réseau pour un Québec Famille
  • Representatives from the Family, Health and Social Services, and Education Ministries

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