Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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24 November 2014

VISAJ launches CartoJeunes – An interactive mapping web platform on Quebec youth

Saguenay, November 24, 2014 - The UQAC-Cégep de Jonquières chair on the living conditions, health and aspirations of youth (VISAJ*) officially launched its CartoJeunes interactive mapping platform at the Cégep de Jonquière. CartoJeunes was created with the financial support of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation ($600,000 over two years) and the Quebec Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Science ($332,250 over three years).

In keeping with the territorial approach favoured by VISAJ, CartoJeunes is a unique product designed to meet the needs expressed by various stakeholders working to reduce inequality in the areas of the health and education of young Quebecers. This interactive platform provides actors in education and health, regional consulting authorities (IRCs**) for student retention and education success and, particularly, decision-makers in MRCs and municipalities with a better tool for creating the local and regional portraits they need to orient their interventions.

The result of several years of development, CartoJeunes is a veritable goldmine of data, providing information on a huge variety of indicators related to young people, their academic pathways and living environments that allow individual users to create their own maps, diagrams and tables based on their specific needs.

For more information

* La chaire UQAC-Cégep de Jonquière sur les conditions de VIe, la Santé et les aspirations des Jeunes

** An "instance régionale de concertation" or IRC is a group of regional actors from different sectors working towards a common goal in the same region in support of local communities.

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