27 September 2012
Four new reports on early childhood development
As part of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD), the Institut de la statistique du Québec has published four reports (in French) on early childhood development and on children's situation based on their socio-economic milieu. Each fascicle covers different periods in a child's life. Data are presented for all children based on mother's level of education, household income and household socio-economic status. The fourth report describes the development of various psychosocial skills between the ages of 17 months and 6 years.
- Partie I - Période prénatale, naissance et nourrissons (The prenatal period, birth and infants)
- Partie II - Les tout-petits et la période préscolaire (Toddlers and the preschool period)
- Partie III - La maternelle et la première année du primaire (Kindergarten and grade one)
- Partie IV - Évolution des habiletés psychosociales de 17 mois à 6 ans (The development of psychosocial skills between 17 months and 6 years)