Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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News and Events - 2008

20 November 2008

The Société de gestion du Fonds pour la promotion de saines habitudes de vie gets a clean bill of health

On Universal Children's Day, November 20, Dr. Alain Poirier, President of the Société de gestion du Fonds pour la promotion de saines habitudes de vie [...]

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16 October 2008

New: health-promoting vending machines!

The new government campaign on healthy lifestyles was launched on October 11 by Health and Social Services Minister, Dr. Yves Bolduc. Under the theme [...]

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11 October 2008

Minister Bolduc kicks off government campaign on healthy lifestyles

The new government campaign on healthy lifestyles was launched on October 11 by Health and Social Services Minister, Dr. Yves Bolduc. Under the theme [...]

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1 October 2008

$350,000 to support breastfeeding at the CHUM Centre des naissances

On a visit to the CHUM Centre des naissances (birthing centre) at Hôpital Saint-Luc in early October, André Chagnon, Chairman and CEO of the Lucie and [...]

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24 September 2008

Lyse Brunet joins the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation

On September 24, André Chagnon, Chairman and CEO of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation, was delighted to announce the appointment of Lyse Brunet a [...]

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17 September 2008

Early intervention to prevent youth violence

On September 17, nearly 200 people attended an important conference on preventing violence among children, held at the Sainte-Justine University Hospi [...]

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2 July 2008

Official opening of the Parc de la Traite-des-Fourrures

On a sunny July 2, Jacqueline Montpetit, Mayor of the South-West Borough, and André Chagnon, Chairman and CEO of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundatio [...]

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17 June 2008

Introduction of a bill to establish an early childhood development fund

The bill, introduced on June 17, was a follow-up to the budget speech delivered in March 2008 by Monique Jérôme Forget, Minister of Finance. It establ [...]

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13 June 2008

Conseil du Patronat du Québec pays tribute to André Chagnon

During its annual general meeting, held June 13, 2008, the Conseil du patronat awarded its Prix de carrière 2008 to André Chagnon. This award, now in [...]

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6 June 2008

Launch of the "Parcours sur les droits de l’enfant"

Located in the heart of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, this route draws attention to the efforts of organizations devoted to promoting children's rights. The [...]

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1 June 2008

André Chagnon receives an honorary doctorate from HEC Montréal

At its annual convocation ceremony on June 1 at Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier in Place des Arts, HEC Montréal paid tribute to André Chagnon. In his speech, [...]

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1 January 2008

Enquête sur la maturité scolaire des enfants montréalais

Direction de santé publique, Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal This report takes a fresh look at the school-readiness of young c [...]

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