Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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Voir plus loin que le bout de son nez : la contribution de l'investissement en prévention au financement de la santé [Seeing further than the end of your nose: The value of prevention in health care funding]

Presentation made to the Castonguay task force on health care funding

The Foundation prepared this position paper (in French only) at the invitation of the Castonguay task force on health care funding. Jointly written with professors Pierre Fortin (UQAM) and Luc Godbout (Université de Sherbrooke), the paper provides the Foundation's answers to questions posed by the task force. Paying particular attention to prevention, it takes a much broader view of the health care problem than the sustainability of the system in the context of an aging population.

September 28, 2007

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