Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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15 June 2015

Quebec Paternity Week: June 15 -21

The third annual edition of Quebec Paternity Week (Semaine Québécoise de la Paternité) is organized by the Regroupement pour la Valorisation de la Paternité.

This year's theme is Un million de pères au Québec réinventent chaque jour la paternité - A million Quebec fathers are reinventing fatherhood every day. The organization's objective is to enhance the visibility of fathers across the province who are playing an increasing active role in bringing up their children.

Many studies have shown that the presence of a father is crucial to children's development and the well-being of the entire family. Increased paternal involvement in childcare is also an excellent way to teach children about gender equality, providing them with a perfect example right at home. We encourage you to consult and share the infographics produced in cooperation with Naître et grandir (Help them grow).

The goals of Quebec Paternity Week:

  • Promote fathers' engagement among families, organizations working with families, government authorities, the general public and the media
  • Offer greater visibility to local, regional and provincial activities aimed at celebrating fatherhood
  • Create a society that offers more recognition to the role fathers play and encourage fathers to be more involved in their children's lives.

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