Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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27 February 2014

Hooked on School Days focus on the importance of encouraging children at every stage of their academic journey

The Réseau des Instances régionales de concertation (IRC) sur la persévérance scolaire et la réussite éducative du Québec (Quebec network of regional consulting authorities on student retention and educational success), in cooperation with Réunir Réussir (R2), launched its very first public awareness campaign to tie in with the "Hooked on School Days," which ran from February 10-14. The objective of the campaign was to remind everyone of the importance of encouraging children and youth every day of their academic career. Created by the think tank lg2, the mass campaign ran from the end of January until February 14, 2014, featuring television and radio ads as well as printed and web posters.

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